Heute kommt mein erster Beitrag in Englisch, weil es sich um eine litauische Firma handelt, welche aber auch ein Office in Zürich hat.
TeleSoftas is an international software development company with its headquarter in Kaunas, Lithuania. TeleSoftas creates software products for different mobile devices including Apple iPhone, Android, Bada, Symbian and is working together with companies like Nokia, Samsung, Airtel and Orange.
„While visiting our branch in Zürich I read an article about Stefan’s project Ichtrageihrtshirt.ch. I was amazed by this idea and immediately decided to contact him. Me and TeleSoftas are pleased to support Stefan and wish him all the best! We will definitely present this innovative idea of sponsoring the students in Lithuania. Gruss aus Litauen! Algirdas Stonys, CEO“
Thank you very much for your booking and have a nice day!
Stefan Steiner
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